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Bubblegum Crisis

Bubblegum Crisis Liner Notes

Note: All of this information and much more can be found on the Bubblegum Crisis Ultimate Edition Wiki.

Bubblegum Crisis 1: Tinsel City

Even from the viewpoint of world history, there are few cities as prone to disaster as Tokyo. The city was completely destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, and the Carpet-bombing of Tokyo at the end of World War II, as its name suggests, reduced the city to a smoking pile of rubble. But each time, Tokyo rose again from the ashes.

And so we have present-day Greater Tokyo, the political and economic heart of Japan. Some say it is already terribly overcrowded -- but the overwhelming crush of humanity that each day floods into the city is but a taste of what is to come... The Tokyo Bay Causeway; the information/ communications network base, expected to be built on Section 13, reclaimed from Tokyo Bay, and requiring an outlay of 130 Billon Yen; a project, set for completion between 2000-2029, calling for a colossal waterborne city; and the well-known "Futureport 21" Project; these gigantic projects for Tokyo's reconstruction, advocated by JAPIC (the Japan Project Industrial Committee), are all butting heads with one another, competing for resources. Surely, Tokyo is rushing towards tomorrow, the future, and furthermore is transforming itself into a gigantic integrated city.

And it is MegaTokyo, the future, some fifty years from the present, which is the setting for this story. The time is the year 2032! Tokyo, the world's most overcrowded city -- the heart of industry, culture, information, and conflict. The Second Great Kanto Earthquake, only seven years before, dealt the city a devastating blow, and the new waterborne city coming into existence in Tokyo Harbor, was abandoned just as construction was beginning, and has since become a ghost town.

Presently, the capital is a city of confusion, in the midst of recovering from the ruins, physical and political, which were the result of the colossal earthquake.

Cars running on gasohol (a mixture of gasoline and ethanol) and battery cars (electrically-powered automobiles) crowd the streets, and a scar of the earthquake remains: a huge fault running through Tokyo, 50 meters wide at its widest point, separating the city into East and West. A gigantic tidal power plant has been established at Chibajuukuuri, and the world's first solar power plants have been founded at Yokosukachuu and Mashino City, supplying this megalopolis with the electricity it consumes. Even now, clumps of office buildings, with rooftop-mounted independent photovoltaic collectors, await the sun's first rays, and the start of another day in MegaTokyo.

And youth... ah, yes, for youth, there has been no change, even now, in Tokyo's standing as "the city of great possibilities."

There is Priss, a rock singer who belts out songs on a stage where light and sound mix and mingle. There is Sylia, and her little brother, Mackie, who, having inherited their father's bequest, own a fashion building. There is Linna, an aerobics instructor. And there is Nene, a member of the AD Police. But these women all have an additional identity...

As the curtain of night falls, a show has begun in a dark corner of the city. Armored vehicles, carrying members of the AD Police, the Special Crimes Control Unit, are gathering at an expressway interchange, drawn like moths to a flame. It's a Boomer!

Once again, a Boomer is on a rampage! Boomers are an artificial life form, born of the technological union of mechtronics and biotechnology. They were originally created to substitute for humans in the development of outer space, but recently, a slightly different variant on that original concept has started to appear.

They are terrifying cyberdroids, their entire bodies a cluster of weaponry; walking tanks, covered in super-high-density Abotex; and possessed of their own will. Naturally, their existence is illegal. And on top of all that, they even possess the power of matter fusion.

This particular Boomer tears the Minigun from the police chopper it downed, uses it to replace its lost right arm, and runs amuck, strafing anything and anyone who comes within range! The heavily-armed AD Police are helpless before it. Who would let these things loose, and to what end? Just then, four figures appear before the Boomer. The slim silhouettes possess graceful, elegant lines, as if to say, there are females inside these battlesuits. In the wink of an eye, these women annihilate the Boomer, with the long-needle railguns, rotary lasersword, and laser cannon integrated into the artificial fingers of their suits. They call themselves the "Knight Sabers." AD Police officer Leon, who has rushed to the scene, can only watch in amazement. These women, attired in hardsuits surpassing the military's newly-produced Type K-12 battlesuit, are vigilantes who smash lawlessness for money. Having defeated the Boomer, they vanish into the night, but their next job soon comes calling, in a most peculiar manner.

The client is U.S.S.D. (the Space Defense Force). The job is to find a technician, and his little sister, Cynthia, who have been abducted. From then on, they are entangled in a gigantic conspiracy. When they cross swords with Frederick, the ultimate Boomer, in the ruins of Aqua City, they also see the shadow of... a colossal organization?! It is the mysterious GENOM supercorporation which holds the key to the mystery that confronts them.

GENOM: a company which rules from behind the scenes over the political and financial affairs of the entire Western World, and whose full aspect is unknown. Its temple-like headquarters, GENOM Tower, a skyscraper nearly 1000 meters tall, symbolizes it well, oppressing all other, lesser, buildings in District Three of Tokyo. It continues to extend towards the heavens even now, eight years since its construction began; a modern-day Tower of Babel. The Knight Sabers, who have been stalking the places where evil dwells, and striking it down, will, at the end of this battle, catch sight, however dimly, of the form of their true enemy...

Bubblegum Crisis 2: Born To Kill

Under Mason's direction, GENOM Boomers recover the remains of Cynthia from the sunken wreckage of Aqua City. Meanwhile, at a GENOM laboratory, the development of an uprated Boomer is interrupted by an explosion that claims the lives of the scientists involved. At the scene, a young Chinese woman named Irene stands silently screaming. She is the fiancee of one of the dead scientists, and an aerobics girlfriend of Linna. Irene swears to expose GENOM's involvement in the tragedy, Linna fears for her safety, and a mysterious group of beautiful female assassins stalk them both.

Priss and Leon deduce the existence of a conspiracy at GENOM.

Moving from the Chinatown of Yokohama to the large Kawasaki Industrial Complex, a battle unfolds in the dead of night, pitting Sylia's Knight Sabers against Mason's female assassin androids. Can the Knight Sabers disrupt the uprated Boomer's development before it is too late?

From Megalocity Tokyo to Yokohama Chinatown, and finally to the Kawasaki Industrial Zone, Sylia, Priss, Nene and a much more active Linna (who had little to do in Part 1) pursue the chain of events that inexorably lead them to another confrontation with GENOM.

Everyone's favorite Superconglomerate has continued towards its goal of World economic domination. The uprated "SuperBoomer" is a weapon of great power. Using components salvaged from Cynthia, it can synchronize with the U.S.S.D. orbiting laser satellites. As they launch themselves into battle, the Knight Sabers dimly begin to see the outlines of the gigantic GENOM conspiracy.

Bubblegum Crisis 3: Blow Up

In "Blow Up," the battle between the Knight Sabers and GENOM (personified by the evil Mason), comes to its inevitable conclusion. Or so it seems...

Part 1 introduced us to a future Tokyo. A huge shadow, GENOM, looms over the megalopolis, which, like today, contains endless contradictions, distortions, corruption and decadence. GENOM is a symbol for our worst fears, typified by the Boomers (artificial humans) it produces.

Mason is the man who directs the seamy side of GENOM. In Part 1, he appears as the mastermind behind Cynthia's kidnapping, and as a confidant of Quincy, the man who rules GENOM. In Part 2, he gives a glimpse of his ambitions: he is not content with being a prince. His Super-Boomer project ends in failure, however, when Irene's murder spurs the Knight Sabers into action. In Part 3, Mason's ambition sets him upon a path from which there is no turning back. Who is Mason? And why has he turned Megalocity Tokyo into a battlefield?

In response to the frequent Boomer riots, AD Police retaliates by deploying its K-11 armored suits, but with only army-issue machine guns, the K-11s are no match for a Boomer with genuine firepower. The street fighting between ADP and the Boomer throws Tokyo into a panic, and the damage extends from the slum where Priss resides to the area where Sylia's fashion building (and the Knight Saber's secret headquarters) is located.

Recognizing that the night's events were clearly instigated, not merely by GENOM, but by Mason, Priss advocates a counter attack. As usual, Sylia vetoes precipitous action. Though not pacified, Priss finds a new outlet for her determination when Mackie shows her the newly powered-up Motoslave. Her dark mood is also lightened by the friendship of a young boy, Sho, and his mother.

Meanwhile, computers at GENOM and in Sylia's back room are humming as both Mason and Sylia plot their next moves.

A few days later, Mason and his Boomer bodyguard, Funk, arrive in the slum with a little urban renewal on their minds. Aided by some well placed bribes, they plan to level the tenements and replace them with an industrial complex. Priss makes a futile attempt to intervene, and is rescued by Leon, who does little to improve his standing in her eyes by trying to pick her up.

When Sho's home is demolished, and his mother is killed in the building's collapse, Priss finally explodes. Disregarding the Knight Saber rule against solo action, she prepares to challenge Mason. The other Knight Sabers, having heard of the death of Sho's mother, are already suited up, waiting for her.

Thus the Knight Sabers and Mason head straight for a showdown. The time has come to decide who will triumph. Mason, garbed in the latest personal armor, awaits the Knight Sabers atop the summit of GENOM's pyramid-like headquarters, a modern Tower of Babel rising above Megalocity. The Knight Sabers race towards him on their new Motoslaves. The battle reaches the apex, and Sylia and Mason finally confront each other; a meeting that only one of them will survive.

Bubblegum Crisis 4: Revenge Road

It is the year 2033 A.D. in the corrupt city of MegaTokyo. Tearing up the highways in the dead of night is a man weighed down with sadness, J.B. Gibson. For the sake of his beloved Naomi, Gibson relentlessly rides the Revenge Road. His steed is a 2021 HMJ "Griffon," brought back to life by Gibson and Dr. Raven, a brilliant engineer. Now it nightly transforms the highways of Megalocity Tokyo into a circuit of slaughter as it mercilessly hunts down the Outrider biker gang.

Meanwhile, the Knight Sabers, taking a breather after their last big job, which ended in the GENOM incident and the death of Mason, pass a string of days in somewhat of a funk. Occasionally, they get together, but all they do is amuse themselves with the Survival Game, followed by Linna and Nene's supremely idiotic lectures on love and romance (Important note for Nene fans, who've been lamenting her few and far-between scenes: this dialogue has become an established custom at these meetings, and is therefore not to be missed).

To take her mind off her problems, Priss takes her bike out for a drive. A close encounter with the Griffon engages her in battle with Gibson. Alas, Priss's bike is not up to the challenge, and fails her in a most spectacular and painful manner. Now she has a score to settle with the driver of the Griffon, and she soon browbeats Nene into doing a little extracurricular hacking at AD Police H.Q.

Gibson makes more and more alterations to the Griffon, finally creating a thought-controlled machine with an instantaneous reaction time. Gibson and the Griffon have finally become one heart, one flesh. Note the various alteration scenes throughout the story, and the Griffon's changed form after each scene (by the way, the flashback scene in the first half depicts the Griffon in its normal, unaltered form). With each new modification, Gibson's hatred is transferred to the Griffon, until finally it awakens, taking Gibson and Naomi for one last terror-filled ride down the Revenge Road.

Now only the Knight Sabers can stop a tragedy. Priss stakes her pride as a biker on a high-speed race against time. For this outing only, she rides the "Highway Star," Mackie's hand-built masterpiece. This speed-demon bike puts out over 700 horsepower, and, using nitrojets, has a top speed of over 360 km/h. For stability, its wheelbase is a whopping 2.4m. Will Priss be able to reach the Griffon and save its occupants before they run into the deadly trap AD Police has set?

Bubblegum Crisis 5: Moonlight Rambler

It is the year 2033 A.D., and floating in the sky, 320 km above MegaTokyo, is the artificial space island, Genaros. Four young women have stolen a patrol car, and are using it to flee down one of Genaros's linear highways. Together with one other compatriot, they plan to flee to the Earth, where freedom awaits. Three of the women sacrifice their lives so that the remaining two, Sylvie and Anri, are able to launch a shuttle and head for Earth. But thanks to a pursuing "Doberman", a Boomer designed for space combat, the shuttle is damaged and it crash-lands near MegaTokyo.

AD Police dispatches Leon and Daley to the scene, but SDPC (the Space Development Corporation), owner of Genaros and the shuttle, turns up the heat. Flint, head of GPCC (the GENOM Corporate Research Center), and his right-hand man, the mysterious Largo, pull strings behind the scenes. They are the ringleaders: using their influence over Kaufman, head of SDPC, they are using the supranational space islands to build high-tech weapons, which they plan to sell to the Eastern Bloc. In fact, the brand- new "D.D." Battlemover was stowed aboard the very shuttle in which Sylvie and Anri made their escape...

Leon's partner, Daley, certain that there is more to all of this than meets the eye, takes off alone for Genaros. Meanwhile, reports of a killer attacking women and draining the blood from their bodies has become the hot topic of conversation in MegaTokyo. After hearing the coroner's report, Leon suspects that these killings might be the work of an old type of Boomer, whose blood circulation system has broken down. Priss meets Nene and Linna after her set at 'Hot Legs,' and introduces them to her new biking buddy, Sylvie. Kaufman, fearing that GENOM will uncover his involvement, hires the Knight Sabers to recover the D.D. Sylia meets Fargo, the Knight Sabers' go-between, and accepts the commission. After learning of Leon's suspicions, she deduces that the escapees are 33-S "Sexaroid" Boomers.

Priss, unaware of all this, goes touring with Sylvie. Sylvie spots the GPCC Building, which may hold a datadisc that contains crucial information about the artificial blood used in the 33-S series. To save Anri, who was wounded in the escape from Genaros, Sylvie breaks into GPCC. At the same time, Daley briefs Leon about the D.D. superweapon and its "J-1" control system. Ignoring orders, Leon goes out on patrol with a new K-12 suit.

Wounded, and with Boomer guards in hot pursuit, Sylvie finally activates the D.D. , which easily reduces the Boomers to scrap. Leon dons his K-12 and confronts her, but before he can do anything, she passes out, the J-1 takes over , and the D.D. begins an ominous transformation! Without an operator in control, the J-1 will cause a micro-nuclear explosion when it runs out of power. Does Leon stand a chance against the D.D.? Will the Knight Sabers arrive in time? And what will be the fate of Sylvie, and of her dreams of freedom?

Bubblegum Crisis 6: Red Eyes

Have the Knight Sabers gone bad? The attack they launch on a GENOM warehouse certainly makes it look that way. But wait: the voice emanating from "Nene's" suit is that of Anri, the sole surviving 33-S Boomer (from "Moonlight Rambler")! And as if that weren't unusual enough, she is communicating with the mysterious Largo, who, for reasons yet unknown, holds a serious grudge against the Knight Sabers.

Leon isn't sleeping well. He dreams of his lopsided defeat by the D.D., of the Knight Sabers saving him and MegaTokyo from nuclear destruction... and of a distressingly familiar face sitting atop one of those hardsuits. A call from Daley brings him back from that nightmare, only to plunge him into another one: the Knight Sabers are on a rampage.

Meanwhile, GENOM's Executive Board is bickering amongst themselves about what the Knight Sabers have stolen, and why. It is also revealed that Flint, head of GPC, got the axe in the wake of the D.D. incident. Bauer, Chief of Security, is now man on the spot. A call from Quincy, demanding to know what progress the Board has made, saves him for the moment. After hearing their report, he assigns Kate Madigan, a new executive officer, the task of finding and plugging leaks in the company.

Recent events have not escaped the notice of the real Knight Sabers. A challenge to them to face their imposters, disguised as an advance billing of their next attack, makes Nene in particular see red. But even she stops dead in her tracks when Priss announces she's quitting the Knight Sabers. Sylia, recognizing that Priss feels guilty about Sylvie's death, is nevertheless determined to try to change her mind.

Kate Madigan is convinced that Quincy must be out of his mind to give her what amounts to a pest-control job. At the same time, Anri, the pest in question, is giving Largo information on the activities of Defense Minister Callahan, one of GENOM's pet politicians. After reminding his imitation "Knight Sabers" to destroy the real McCoys, he tells an overjoyed Anri that she will finally have revenge for the death of Sylvie.

At Tinsel City Bank, AD Police wait nervously for the "Knight Sabers," who arrive in spectacular fashion. But the imitations are also waiting anxiously, hoping that the real Knight Sabers will answer their challenge. Meanwhile, Sylia pays a personal call on Priss, and tries to convince her that Sylvie's death wasn't her fault. Nene calls, saying that the imposters have shown up on schedule, and that AD Police is fighting them. With a last word of encouragement, Sylia takes off to lead the Knight Sabers into battle.

Things are going badly as usual for AD Police when the real Knight Sabers show up, settling the question of which side they're on once and for all. As Leon settles back to watch the makings of a good show, Daley interrupts to tell him that someone has kidnapped Callahan. Grudgingly, Leon leaves the Knight Sabers to pursue Callahan's abductors, Largo and Anri, who are taking him to GENOM Tower, in order that Largo may give Quincy his demands in person.

As fate would have it, Priss happens to see Anri driving the getaway car. Wondering what's going on, she decides to follow Anri, and the mysterious man with her.

Kate Madigan has narrowed her investigation to just one person: Anri, who had infiltrated GENOM under the name of Milly Jackson. No sooner does she make this discovery, than a Boomer in pursuit of Callahan's abductors calls to say that he's found them. Madigan tells him to destroy the car, including the Defense Minister, to keep him from spilling GENOM secrets. But a bolt from the blue dispels that notion at once, surprising both Kate and Leon. Largo then uses the Boomer's remains to tell Kate that he'll be bringing Callahan to them, and to tell Quincy that he wants the O.M.S. (Overmind Control System) in exchange.

In typical fashion, Leon tries to arrest Largo, completely unaware of what he's up against until it's too late. Leon is further dumbfounded when Largo recognizes him, but has little opportunity for reflection, first, because Largo is trying to kill him, and second, because Priss's timely arrival prevents precisely that. That same arrival also prompts Anri to remember when Priss told her about Sylvie's death, but another ray of sunshine--now clearly directed by Largo--renders the entire issue academic. As Largo and Anri speed away, Leon tells Priss, obliquely, that he knows that she is a Knight Saber, and that he cares for her.

Largo and Anri arrive at the GENOM Tower. After she is convinced that Callahan has not given away any secrets, Kate Madigan insures that he cannot do so in the future.

The Knight Sabers, meanwhile, are literally on the brink of disaster. Sylia is just about to sacrifice herself to give Nene and Linna time to escape, when Mackie comes from nowhere and rescues them. Once they are safely away, he tells them that Priss's hardsuit is missing.

Largo and Quincy finally meet face-to-face. When Quincy asks why Largo wants OMS, Largo replies that he wants to lead the cyberdroids to a better place, where they can take their rightful place as a new lifeform. Quincy tries to buy Largo off, but Largo demonstrates the power behind his words: he commands the orbital laser satellites to destroy GENOM Towers around the world. Even so, Largo learns to his chagrin that Quincy is not what he seems to be.

As Largo and Anri are about to leave, Priss makes her entrance, telling Anri that she's come to save her. To Anri's amazement, Largo explains that Priss is one of the Knight Sabers, and that she killed Sylvie. How will Anri react? Has Priss at last bitten off more than she can chew? Will the Knight Sabers arrive in time? And just who or what is Largo, anyway?

Bubblegum Crisis 7: Double Vision

March 26, 2033. Yamada, a GENOM executive, successfully concludes contract negotiations with the Gulf & Bradley Corporation, of Houston, Texas, to jointly create a new type of Boomer. Shortly thereafter, a large, crablike mecha kills all the signatories to the contract, save one: Dr. Richard McLaren, intended head of the project.

June 8, 2033: Vision, a popular and mysterious American rock star, comes out of a self-imposed year-long retirement to start a new world tour, kicking off in MegaTokyo. Watching Vision's press conference, Linna has an unsettling feeling of Deja Vu.

June 9: In a darkened waterfront warehouse, a team of men led by Kou prepare the GD-42, the same mecha that attacked Gulf & Bradley in March, for a midnight run. Elsewhere, Vision -- known to Kou and his men as Reika -- watches a videodisc letter from her little sister, who tells of her impending wedding. This good news does not make Vision very happy, though.

Later that evening, as Dr. McLaren is checking the new Boomer's progress, Reika and Kou attack the GENOM lab, but are forced to retreat when Reika refuses to kill a worker who gets in their way.

June 10: A panicky McLaren tells Quincy that the mecha which attacked the night before is the same one which attacked Gulf & Bradley in March. When McLaren tries to leave, Quincy insists that he remain until the testing is complete. He also speculates on who might be behind both attacks...

Meanwhile, AD Police are investigating the crime scene, despite resistance from the "victims" of the attack. Leon suspects the stonewalling is an attempt to conceal a new type of Boomer.

That evening, Sylia meets Fargo at an amusement park, and takes on the job of bodyguarding Dr. McLaren, despite personal misgivings. (As an aside, the reference to "Harry Lime" proves that Suzuki Toshimichi is a fan of Graham Greene's "The Third Man.")

June 11: After getting a gutful from Leon over being told to drop the investigation. the Chief puts him and Daley on paid leave, telling them "officially" not to engage in any work... And a co-worker of Nene's brings her a present (she was the girl being interviewed as she stood in line to buy Vision tickets).

June 12: Leon and Daley check out a new GENOM artificial island in Tokyo Bay, and catch Quincy himself on an inspection tour. Afterwards, they head for the St. Regis Hotel, where McLaren is taking his R&R, under the watchful eyes of the Knight Sabers. Daley tells Leon that the island is a combination construction and testing ground for Boomers.

Kou's men intercept McLaren's order for a call girl that night, and send him Reika, who calls herself "Irene." While McLaren waits, Leon explains that the mystery mecha was built by the Chang Conglomerate, and that the death of Chairman Chang's son and daughter-in-law, apparently at the hands of Gulf & Bradley, would make an excellent motive for revenge -- if it hadn't happened fifteen years ago...

Reika drugs McLaren, making it look like a heart attack, and her men, disguised as ambulance attendants, spirit him away. Priss pursues, only to run afoul of the GD-42. Reika, meanwhile, gives McLaren's bodyguard the slip, but fails to elude Linna, who follows her all the way to the grave of Irene Chang, who was killed the year before (in BGC 2, "Born to Kill"). One of Reika's men captures Linna just as she is about to report in.

When Linna confronts Reika with the knowledge that Reika is both Irene's older sister, and also the mysterious Vision, Reika explains that Irene's death drove her to vengeance. Having killed the Chairman of Gulf & Bradley for the death of her parents, she now intends to kill Quincy, for the death of Irene. Once she has done so, she will quit singing, and take over the leadership of Hou Bang ("Tiger Corps"), the secret society her family heads. Linna's efforts to dissuade her are to no avail.

June 13: Kou arranges a meet with Quincy the next day, to discuss the return of McLaren. Leon blackmails Nene into tracking down data relating to the case, something she was already doing for Sylia.

June 14: The day of Vision's opening concert. Priss cuts off her cast, and heads for the waterfront. There, she finds and rescues Linna. Nene has run into a brick wall trying to get information on Irene, until her friend's chance intervention literally spells out the magic word. At the same time, Quincy heads for his appointed rendezvous with Vision, but not without some insurance. Will the Knight Sabers be able to save Reika? Will Quincy finally meet his match? Can Leon and Daley shield Reika from a murder rap? Or, at the very least, can they finally be of some use, and get her to the concert on time?

Bubblegum Crisis 8: Scoop Chase

As the year A.D. 2033 draws to a close, for once the Knight Sabers seem to have things well in hand; only a few rogue Boomers here and there, all easily destroyed. But, as usual, it's too good to last. It starts out innocently enough, when Priss catches a girl photographing her in action, and trashes her camera.

But it soon develops that that girl is no less than the niece of Nene's boss. The bad news is that the irrepressible Lisa is going to be hanging around AD Police over her Winter Break from high school. The worse news is that poor Nene is given the job of keeping an eye on her, and helping her get a big scoop. But the worst news of all is Lisa's intended exclusive: exposing the true identities of the Knight Sabers! Lisa was not at all amused when Priss stomped on her precious camera, a gift from her father, a famous press photographer. When Nene learns what Lisa has in mind, she nearly has a stroke! Lisa's presence causes the Knight Sabers further annoyance when she unwittingly forces Nene to give Priss a speeding ticket.

Meanwhile, Dr. Miriam Yoshida, the genius who has brought his employer, Ebisu Corporation, into the first rank of GENOM's wholly-owned subsidiaries, harbors much bigger ambitions. Taking over Genom itself, for example. When the Knight Sabers unknowingly confront the next stage in Miriam's plan (forcing Nene to give Lisa the slip for the first of many times), Lisa hitches a ride with Daley to the fight scene, hoping to get a scoop. A split-second opportunity provides her with evidence that Nene is a Knight Saber, and she wastes no time in turning up the heat on the hapless redhead.

As the week progresses, Miriam collects further data on the Knight Sabers that will enable him to create Boomers superior to their Hardsuits. Sylia gets a report from Fargo concerning the recent string of battles they've had (while fending off his advances at a drive-in; also, note who is the star of the movie), which suggests that the attacks are all the work of a single, mysterious individual, and not GENOM itself. And between work, getting beaten up by Boomers, and keeping Lisa at bay, poor Nene seems to be headed for a nervous breakdown.

Her fellow Knight Sabers aren't very supportive either. With Lisa in hot pursuit, she heads for a session at their training center (hidden at Raven's Garage). Alas, her overall performance is down, and she's putting on weight as well, which makes her the butt of some nasty jokes by Priss and Linna. Nene drowns her sorrows with a slice of cake, an inauspicious start to her new diet.

Finally, Miriam decides that he's ready to make his move, and chooses a target he feels certain to bring the Knight Sabers running: AD Police HQ. By sheer coincidence, he also chooses Lisa's last day in the building to strike. After one of his Boomers takes over AD Police's main computer, it turns the building into a gigantic killing machine and traps the remaining occupants -- including Nene and Lisa. Will the Knight Sabers arrive in time to save them? If they do, how will they fare against Miriam's Boomers, specially built to outfight their Hardsuits? And will Leon and Daley be able to nab Miriam before he blows the AD Police Building, and the Knight Sabers, to smithereens?

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Japanese Production Staff

Bubblegum Crisis 1: Tinsel City

Planning and Original Story: Suzuki Toshimichi
Directed by Akiyama Katsuhito
Screenplay by Matsuzaki Kenichi, Kakinuma Hideki,
Aramaki Shinji & Akiyama Katsuhito
Character Designs by Sonoda Kenichi
Mechanical Designs by Kakinuma Hideki, Aramaki Shinji & Sonoda Kenichi
Voice Director: Yatagai Kenichi
Animation Directors: Tanaka Masahiro & Naka Morifumi
Art Director: Arai Kazuhiro
Director of Photography: Takahashi Akihiko
Sound Director: Matsuura Noriyoshi
Music by Makaino Kouji

Bubblegum Crisis 2: Born To Kill

Planning and Original Story: Suzuki Toshimichi
Director: Akiyama Katsuhito
Screenplay : Akiyama Katsuhito
Production Designers: Aramaki Shinji & Kakinuma Hideki
Character Designs : Sonoda Kenichi
Voice Director: Yatagai Kenichi
Animation Directors: Tanaka Masahiro & Naka Morifumi
Art Director: Arai Kazuhiro
Director of Photography: Takahashi Akihiko
Sound Director: Matsuura Noriyoshi
Music : Makaino Kouji
Producer: Aoki Takeshi

Bubblegum Crisis 3: Blow Up

Executive Producer: Fujita Junji
Planning and Original Story: Suzuki Toshimichi
Director: Akiyama Katsuhito
Screenplay : Akiyama Katsuhito
Production Designers: Kakinuma Hideki & Aramaki Shinji
Character Designs : Sonoda Kenichi
Voice Director: Ide Yasunori
Storyboards: Hayashi Hiroki
Animation Directors: Tanaka Masahiro & Okuda Jun
Director of Photography: Takahashi Akihiko
Art Director: Arai Kazuhiro
Sound Director: Matsuura Noriyoshi
Music : Makaino Kouji

Bubblegum Crisis 4: Revenge Road

Executive Producer: Fujita Junji
Planning Producer: Suzuki Toshimichi
Supervision and:
Production Design: Aramaki Shinji
Character Designs : Sonoda Kenichi
Animation Directors: Tanaka Masahiro & Okuda Jun
Audio Director: Matsuura Noriyoshi
Director of Photography: Konishi Kazuhiro
Art Director: Arai Kazuhiro
Music : Makaino Kouji
Written : Arii Emu
Griffon Concept Design : Yokoyama Kou
Directed : Hayashi Hiroki
Music Producer: Fujita Junji

Bubblegum Crisis 5: Moonlight Rambler

Executive Producer: Fujita Junji
Planning, Original Story and Screenplay: Suzuki Toshimichi
Supervision: Aramaki Shinji
Direction / Storyboards: Oobari Masami
Character Designs by: Sonoda Kenichi
Production Designs: Yumeno Ley
Animation Directors: Gooda Hiroaki & Oobari Masami
Guest Character Designs: Gooda Hiroaki
D. D. Design: Oobari Masami
Art Director: Arai Kazuhiro
Director of Photography: Takahashi Akihiko
Audio Director: Matsuura Noriyoshi
Music by: Makaino Kooji
Music Producer: Fujita Junji
Producers: Takazi Hiroshi & Aoki Takeshi
Chief Supervisor: Akiyama Katsuhito

Bubblegum Crisis 6: Red Eyes

Executive Producer: Fujita Junji
Planning, Original Story and Screenplay: Suzuki Toshimichi
Direction & Storyboards: Oobari Masami
Character Designs by: Sonoda Kenichi
Guest Character Designs: Gooda Hiroaki
Production Designs: Aramaki Shinji & Yamane Kimitoshi
Animation Directors: Gooda Hiroaki, Matsubara Hidenori & Oobari Masami
Art Director: Ikeda Shigemi
Director of Photography: Takahashi Akihiko
Audio Director: Matsuura Noriyoshi
Music by: Makaino Kouji
Music Producer: Fujita Junji
Producer: Tazaki Hiroshi

Bubblegum Crisis 7: Double Vision

Executive Producer: Fujita Junji
Planning, Original Story and Screenplay: Suzuki Toshimichi
Storyboards and Direction: Takayama Fumihiko
Character Designs: Sonoda Kenichi
Production Designs: Yamane Kimitoshi, Yumeno Ley & Aramaki Shinji
Chief Animation Director &:
Guest Character Designs: Urushibara Satoshi
Animation Directors: Yoshimoto Kinji & Kajishima Masaki
Art Director: Nangoo Yooichi
Director of Photography: Konishi Kazuhiro
Music by: Makaino Kouji
Music Producer: Fujita Junji
Producer: Tazaki Hiroshi

Bubblegum Crisis 8: Scoop Chase

Executive Producer: Suzuki Toshimichi
Planning & Original Story: Yoshida Hidetoshi
Screenplay: Gooda Hiroaki
Direction, Storyboards & Story Outline: Matsubara HIdenori
Story Outline: Sonoda Kenichi
Character Designs: Aramaki Shinji
Production Designs: Yamane Kimitoshi, Yumeno Ley
Sonoda Kenichi & Matsubara Hidenori
Animation Directors: Kishida Ryuukoo & Hiraki Norihiro
Art Director: Konishi Kazuhiro
Director of Photography: Makaino Kouji
Music by: Tazaki Hiroshi
Producers: Koizumi Satoshi & Fujita Junji

US Production Staff

Producer: Robert J. Woodhead
Translators: Michael House (1-8), Shin Kurokawa (1-7) & Andrew Kim (8)
Production Assistant: Ueki Natsumi
Editor: Roe R. Adams III, KTJ
Production Managers (USA):
Janice Hindle & Peter R.Haswell

US Production Staff (Dubbing)

Executive Producers: Janice Hindle & Peter R. Haswell
Associate Producer: Ueki Natsumi
Translators: Michael House (1-8), Shin Kurokawa (1-7) & Andrew Kim (8)
Dialogue Editor: Roe R. Adams III, KTJ
Producer: Robert J. Woodhead

English Language Version recorded at
Southwynde Studios, Wilmington, NC

Voice Director: J. Randolph
Dubbing, Production & Audio Engineering: Randy Drew
SFX & Sound Design: Chuck Agresta
Dialogue Editing: Jack Bowden & Michael Sinterniklaas
Mixing: Randy Drew & Chuck Agresta
Studio Manager: Maryann Webb
Production Coordinator: Susan Grillo
Engineering Assistant: Eddie Harrell

English Song Reinterpretation by "The Replicants"

Musical Director: Chuck Agresta
Sequencing, Programming & Keyboards: Ernesto Ferreri
Vocal Arrangements: Jack Bowden
Guitars, Bass & Keyboards: Chuck Agresta & Michael Sinterniklaas
Lyrics: Randy Drew & Jack Bowden

(English reinterpreted lyrics are
based on the translated Japanese lyrics,
but are not as close a translation as
the ones provided below)

Japanese Voice Actors

Bubblegum Crisis 1: Tinsel City

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Oomori Kinuko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Quincy: Kawakubo Kiyoshi
Mason: Ikeda Shuuichi
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Commander: Oomiya Teiji
Sylia's Father: Ishimaru Hiroya
Bogey: Yara Yuusaku
Retort: Namba Keiichi
Daley: Horiuchi Kenyuu
Frederick: Kosugi Juuroota
Deputy Commander: Ootaki Shinya
Checkpoint Guard: Kobayashi Michitaka
Cynthia: Kasahara Hiroko
Female Boomer: Takano Urara
Mackie: Sasaki Nozomu

Bubblegum Crisis 2: Born To Kill

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Oomori Kinuko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Mason: Ikeda Shuuichi
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Commander: Oomiya Teiji
Daley: Namba Keiichi
Mackie: Sasaki Nozomu
Chief: Satoo Seiji
Announcer: Kobayashi Michitaka
Irene: Itoo Miki
Female Boomer: Takano Urara
AD Police Officer: Ookura Masaaki

Bubblegum Crisis 3: Blow Up

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Oomori Kinuko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Mason: Ikeda Shuuichi
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Mackie: Sasaki Nozomu
Quincy: Kawakubo Kiyoshi
Sho: Hamura Kyooko
Sho's Mother: Nakajima Senri
Funk: Gouri Daisuke
Manager: Sawaki Ikuya
Newscaster: Kobayashi Michitaka

Bubblegum Crisis 4: Revenge Road

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Oomori Kinuko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Daley: Horiuchi Kenyuu
Mackie: Sazaki Nozomu
Raven: Ogata Kenichi
Gibson: Shiozawa Kaneto
Naomi: Shoo Mayumi
Outrider: Kobayashi Michitaka

Bubblegum Crisis 5: Moonlight Rambler

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Oomori Kinuko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Daley: Horiuchi Kenyuu
Sylvie: Takamori Yoshino
Chief: Satoo Shooji
Flint: Ootaki Shinya
Largo: Sogabe Kazuyoshi
Kaufman: Sawaki Ikuya
Doctor: Kiyokawa Motomu
Fargo: Yamadera Kooichi
Anri: Mizutani Yuuko
Nam: Hayashibara Megumi
Meg: Maruo Tomoko
Lou: Tooma Yumi
Captain: Kobayashi Michitaka

Bubblegum Crisis 6: Red Eyes

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Oomori Kinuko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Daley: Horiuchi Kenyuu
Quincy: Kawakubo Kiyoshi
Largo: Sogabe Kazuyuki
Mackie: Sasaki Nozomu
Anri: Mizutani Yuuko
Kate: Takano Urara
Callahan: Ootaki Shinya
Executives: Sawaki Ikuya & Shioya Koozoo
Boomer: Kobayashi Michitaka

Bubblegum Crisis 7: Double Vision

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Oomori Kinuko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Quincy: Kawakubo Kiyoshi
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Daley: Horiuchi Kenyuu
Chief: Satoo Shooji
Fargo: Yamadera Kooichi
Vision: Hashimoto Maiko
McLaren: Sawaki Ikuya
G&B President: Hirose Masashi
Mr. Chang: Mine Eken
Irene: Itoo Miki
Kou: Matsumoto Yasunori
Yamada: Kobayashi Michitaka
Interviewer: Tooma Yumi
Staffer A: Suzuki Katsumi

Bubblegum Crisis 8: Scoop Chase

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Oomori Kinuko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Daley: Horiuchi Kenyuu
Chief: Satoo Shooji
Fargo: Yamadera Kooichi
Mackie: Sasaki Nozomu
Lisa: Hisakawa Aya
Miriam: Futamata Kazunari
Ebisu President: Umezu Hideyuki
Ebisu Worker: Kobayashi Michitaka
Ebisu Operator: Ono Kenichi
Naoko: Asami Junko
ADP Receptionist: Yokoyama Chisa

English Voice Actors

Bubblegum Crisis 1:

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Mackie: Frank Trimble
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Quincy: J. David Arnold
Mason: Eric Paisley
Commander Swarz: Michael S. Way
Deputy Commander: Patt Noday
Frederick: Clifton Daniel
Professor Stingray: Kevin Dowling
Cynthia: Maryann Webb
Bogey: Marc Matney
Retort: Marc Garber
Female Boomer: Belinda Bizic
Checkpoint Guard: Steve Rassin
Young Sylia: Loren Mash
Young Mackie: Michael Sinterniklaas
Chopper 3 Pilot: David Kraus
ADP Communicator: Barbara Lewis

Bubblegum Crisis 2: Born To Kill

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Mason: Eric Paisley
Commander Swarz: Michael S. Way
Mackie: Frank Trimble
Police Chief: David Kraus
Announcer: Chuck Denson
Irene: Jean Hrdlicka
AD Police Officer: Michael Sinterniklaas
Company Man A: Matt Sullivan
Company Man B: Sean Clay
Guard 1: Nathan Gray

Bubblegum Crisis 3: Blow Up

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Mason: Eric Paisley
Leon: Brad Moranz
Mackie: Frank Trimble
Quincy: J. David Arnold
Sho: Ted Davis
Sho's Mother: Amy Parrish
Funk: Marc Matney
Manager: Mick McGovern
Newscaster: Chuck Denson
Additional Voices: Hadley Eure,
Michael Sinterniklaas, Steve Rassin,
Patrick Lawlor, Hank Troscianiec &
Chuck Denson

Bubblegum Crisis 4: Revenge Road

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Mackie: Frank Trimble
Dr. Raven: Michael Titterton
Gibson: Zack Hanner
Naomi: Mindi Lyons
Outrider: Patt Noday
Additional English Voices: Jack Bowden,
Michael Sinterniklaas, Marc Matney,
Marc Garber & David Kraus

Bubblegum Crisis 5: Moonlight Rambler

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Sylvie: Martha Ellen Senseney
Chief: David Kraus
Flint: Jon Gutman
Largo: Pierre Brulatour
Kaufman: Chuck Kinlaw
Doctor: Tom Holmes
Fargo: Geoffrey Honaker
Anri: Katherine Kopec Burton
Nam: Belinda Bizic
Meg: Hadley Eure
Lou: Tammy Starling
Captain: Jay Bryson
Additional Voices: Michael Sinterniklass,
Zach Hanner, Scott Simpson, Steve Vernon,
Sean Clay, Jack Bowden & Chuck Denson

Bubblegum Crisis 6: Red Eyes

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Quincy: David Arnold
Largo: Pierre Brulatour
Mackie: Frank Trimble
Anri: Katherine Kopec Burton
Kate: Emily Young
Callahan: Steve Vernon
Executive A: Sean Clay
Executive B: Nicholas Bottom
Boomer: Zach Hanner
Additional Voices: Michael Sinterniklass,
Chuck Kinlaw, Scott Simpson & Jack Bowden

Bubblegum Crisis 7: Double Vision

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Quincy: David Arnold
Chief: David Kraus
Fargo: Geoffrey Honaker
Vision (Reika): Mindi L. Lyons
McLaren: Eddie Harrell
G&B Chairman: T. J. Walsh
Mr. Chang: Mark Finncannon
Irene Chang: Jean Hrdlicka
Kou: Zach Hanner
Yamada: Gray Sibley
Interviewer: Joyce Leigh Bowden
Staffer A: Kevin Reilly
Additional Voices: Michael Sinterniklaas,
Chuck Denson, J. Bryson, Amanda Tancredi,
Elliot Preschutti, Steve Lalla & Sophia Tolar

Bubblegum Crisis 8: Scoop Chase

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Chief: David Kraus
Fargo: Geoffrey Honaker
Mackie: Frank Trimble
Lisa: Amy Parrish
Miriam: Dick Bunting
Ebisu President: David Long
Ebisu Worker: J. Bryson
Ebisu Operator: Elliott Preschutti
Naoko: Belinda Bizic
ADP Receptionist: Amanda Tancredi
Additional English Voices: Michael Sinterniklaas,
Zack Hanner, Gray Sibley, Steve Lalla & Kevin Reilly

Additional Notes:

Attentive readers will recall that, in the notes for Part 7, "Double Vision," we mentioned that the reason Oomori Kinuko had not performed any of the solo vocals after Part 3, "Blow Up," was that she had landed a singing contract with, to quote Fujita Junji, President of Youmex, and Executive and Music Producer for Bubblegum Crisis, "a certain record company," and her contractual obligations effectively prevented her from singing solo in the series.

Those same readers may also note that, despite such statements, Oomori is back performing a solo vocal in this episode: the theme song, "Chase the Dream." If you're wondering what gives, or even if you're not, there is an explanation. According to Mr. Fujita, around the time this episode was originally in production (mid-to-late 1990), Oomori Kinuko was forming a new band, SILK. When the video was originally released in Japan (January, 1991), SILK also released its first album, also called "SILK." The connection is that "Chase the Dream" was originally recorded by SILK for its debut album, and borrowed afterward by Youmex for use as this episode's theme. A similar thing happened with "Mr. Dandy," the ending theme to the original "Bubblegum Crisis" (now officially called "Tinsel City"), which was originally recorded by a band named "Bluew" (no misprint) for their debut mini-album, before being included in the video.

By the way, the band SILK takes its name from Oomori Kinuko's nickname, SILK, which is itself derived from the Kanji "Kinu" in her name, Kinuko, which literally translates as "Silk."

Many people have asked us how we go about translating character names from Japanese to English. One big problem is that Japanese has no 'L' sound in it, so, for example, the evil Largo from Episodes 5 & 6 actually has his name spelt Rarugo in Japanese. This can be romanized as Ralgo, Largo, Rargo or Lalgo. Which is it? We start by looking in the videos and other materials available to us, trying to find existing romanizations. When all else fails, we go and ask the creators themselves. Alas, when we called Suzuki Toshimichi to settle the Largo debate, his answer was "I have no idea." So we asked him for his preference. The answer came back: "Largo." Finally, we would like to mention the problem of translating English words used in the dialogue. As much as possible, we try and leave the word unchanged, so if you hear it, you see it too. Unfortunately, the meanings of English words can differ slightly when used in Japanese, so on rare occasions we have to make substitutions. Nene's dialogue when she's fighting the Boomer that has infiltrated AD Police's computer is an example of this.